A New Chapter

The spiritual journey is not linear. There is no linear timeline where if you do A then B will follow. All you can do is let go and trust the process. No, we’re not all magically healed. It’s a constant journey, a work that is done daily. Yes, some days are easier than others. The bottom line is we’re all human. This is the human experience. To feel everything experience love, lost, grief, depression.

I hit a bit of a rough patch were past trauma came back up to teach me that there is work still to be done. I am very thankful for that. As my spiritual journey continues, I am getting ready for another ceremony in Ifa. I am in preparations and I am excited for this new chapter in my spiritual journey. Although things may hit a low vibration, I have learned to trust the process and leave everything to my guides and the higher being. I have full trust and now that they will guide me to get me to where I need to go.

If you’re going through a rough time, now that you are not alone. It will be ok, seek help and reach out to your friends or family, this too shall pass. Just always remember to keep the light on.

Buckle Up!

We are in the middle of mercury retrograde and eclipse season. I have felt these sudden shifts to my core. Ever since I began my spiritual awakening, I have began paying close attention to certain things. One of them being eclipse season and what it clears for me. I had quite the realization of some pretty heavy shit I still need to work through and clear. That my friends, is the beauty of life. You’re work is never done. Once you have taken the plunge to really live your life’s purpose and work on yourself, there are always things to clear. In my case, it’s my relationship with my mother.

I want to begin by saying, I absolutely adore my mother. Our communication has not always been its best. It’s curious really, my higher self, my guides, god (yes, god or creator. I do believe in a higher power), angels all decided to switch the light bulb on to make me realize something. On the work that I have left to do. I am barely getting the grasp of astrology. I still don’t understand it fully but I am beginning to be able to follow along and pay attention to certain patterns.

It started with a simple disagreement between my mother and I. It turned into a full blown argument. No yelling on my part, I have gotten better at that; but I became so caught up in the moment, that certain things were brought up. I don’t know if its just first generation kids who have this issue with their parents. I noticed that for us, kids of immigrants, our upbringing is exactly how it would be if we would have been born in the mother land. As children, we’re exposed to the “American Way” of doing things and come up with our own concept of what we think is correct. It’s a blend of both worlds, a representation of us. That’s when things go askew. My mother’s defense mechanism, what she was taught, was to take arguments in a painful route. What I mean by that, she immediately goes for the jugular, insults are said, she brings up the past, and a language of complete belittlement.

It’s what she was taught from my grandmother. I don’t put the blame on her but what I will hold her accountable for is for repeating the pattern. She is in her 70s… generationally speaking we don’t really understand each other. My fault was perhaps critiquing her too harshly. In trying to make her realize the language that she was using… I began to question her in a way that made her more agitated. Then I proceeded to ask what s the point of living in the past? It does no good to bring up the past, you cant change it. What’s done is done.

So what did I learn? You can’t change those who refuse to change. My mother is not willing to change that part of herself. Her excuse is “ I’m 71, if I didn’t change back then, why should I now?”. For myself, it’s not a valid argument. I am a true believer that humans should change no matter what age. To evolve is to grow. When you meet or have someone in your life who is not budging, all I can do is take a page from Jesus and turn the other cheek. That was my lesson, to break an old pattern that cause unnecessary trauma. To accept that she will not break that pattern and all I can do is be better and learn to be humble, bite my tongue or just simply walk away.

I thank god, my guides, angels for the guidance. To able to see this during a mercury retrograde and eclipse season. It showed me the shadow work that I still have to do with myself. It also showed me how to be better understanding and further accept that some things won’t change but I can still be compassionate and loving through it all. We’re just at the beginning.

Be gentle with yourself, love yourself through the process. This is not easy, its not meant to be easy. It will show you things about yourself and you’ll cry but just remember. You need to get through the bad stuff to grow more beautifully. Learn from the Phoenix, we are all being reborn from the ashes.

Clearing The Line

If you have been following my blog for a while, you may have read about me being an avid listener of “A Line Within” Podcast. I have been listening to Ashley Wood for about two years now. I began listening to her podcast when I decide to get more serious about my spiritual journey. She teaches a practice of clearing the line, which I find very similar to meditation.

I have been clearing my line every day this week. Actually, I do this at work. I have noticed that it has helped me keep my cool and feel less stressed. The messages that I receive are quite simple. They’re usually “stay in the now” “stay focused”. The simplicity of the messages are actually quite beautiful. They have helped me tremendously to stay in the present moment.

I have a tendency to be all over the place that I easily lose focus. Just taking a minute to silence my brain grounds me and helps me stay on track. That’s the beauty of it. It takes it just takes a few minutes to ground yourself and be open to whatever messages may come through. They can be so simple but really have a profound impact. All you have to do is be open to receive the guidance.

Spirituality Or Division?

Many astronomers will tell you that we are in the long-awaited “Age of Aquarius”. Although there has been a lot of debate between astrologers about when it actually starts, you can’t help but notice that there is some sort of spiritual awakening happening.

There seems to be an explosion of people who have started their own spiritual journey, which I find really encouraging and it makes me hopeful for the future. With that said, I’ve started to pay closer attention to the spiritual pages that I follow on social media and I noticed something that seemed quite troubling, The underline division dressed up as spirituality. It’s so subtle that I missed it.

As much as I celebrate this new era of being awakened and returning to yourself, the bottom line is that “spirituality” is the hot commodity. Many people seem to be hopping on the bandwagon. There are many who are doing it to really be that “light” among all the chaos, while others are doing it for the money grab. That’s just the reality of it.

I was randomly scrolling on my Instagram home feed when I noticed a particular page, what made me pause and really pay attention was the language. They were using astrology as a way to explain what is happening in a certain part of the world. Although it may be a fact, there was this underline anger and division that was causing quite the chatter. Those who agreed and those who were calling this particular person out for creating a divide in a time of need when people should be coming together. I began to look back at their posts. When it came to particular political event there was this underline divide again. There’s this undertone anger that was being justified by what was happening in the cosmos.

This struck a nerve, I have been lucky enough to have met an amazing astrologer. She is an absolute beacon of light andlove. That I couldn’t help but compare this individual to her. Perhaps that isn’t what we should do, but it’s such a human reaction. I called her up to start a conversation about it. Of course, the conversation would go back to my natal chart and being completely split in the middle that I critically think about everything. However, she did mention that there are a lot of people who are hiding under the umbrella of “spirituality” and are doing the complete opposite. . Yes, planet alignments can affect certain events in ones’ life, but they’re not an excuse to be mean.

We have our free will. We have been given the gift of free will. Of being conscious of how we react, what we consume, what we want to portray outward into the world. Here we are annoyed by the division and here are these people who have thousands of followers still creating a divide and pushing an agenda that does the complete opposite. It’s so subtle that it can go unnoticed unless you are present and paying full attention to what you are consuming.

With these brand new set of eyes, I started closely inspecting the pages that I followed. Paying close attention to the language and how things were presented. I was amazed by the underline divide and the little anger hidden among some posts. I clicked unfollow and sent love and clarity. All these pages involved people claiming “sprituality” or being “awakened” in some shape or form. Their posts were creating the complete opposite.

The world doesn’t need any more division. It needs love and understanding. While it can be such a human thing to be frustrated and react out of anger, Do not stay there, we are in an age where our actions will have a big impact in our world of tomorrow. How wonderful would it be to have a world where people present and loving even if they don’t agree?

I have a challenge for you, look at who you follow and pay close attention to what they say, the tone, the overall message. You might just be surprised with what you might find.

Unpopular Spiritual Opinion… Oh boy

It’s the time of the year where a lot of people who offer their services when it comes to tarot, ifa readings and even astrology are getting booked. A lot of people want to get a glimpse ahead of what may potentially could happen in the near future. Of course, all of this is subjective because at the end of the day, you’re in charge of your own destiny. However, as someone who practices the art of divination in many forms. I can understand the appeal.

This is my personal stance as someone who does readings (not for others atm, i’ll explain) those who are performing the reading for others, you’re the vessel. My padrino (spiritual guide in Santeria) explained that when consulting or doing a reading for others, we are just supposed to say what we see. We cannot interfere with the free will. He says we rob those of the opportunity to make their own minds and free will. Which is important in the journey of self-discovery. However, there are those who do these reading and have a bias. It is important to listen.

I believe as someone who is has learned this art through tarot and even cowrie shells, we need to be clear first in our own life. How can you offer guidance to others when your own life is in chaos? As energetic beings, we are a reflection of what our personal life is in our work. Our own essence and energy always transfers. I think many people fail to see this or if they do choose to ignore it. You really need to make sure you really listen, listen to how the person is doing their reading. You can pick up if there is an underline bias in the way they tell you things. They will often try and push other services as well. “if you don’t do this…. this can happen”. The clear bias here is trying to sale another service.

On the flip side– if you’re planning to get a reading done and are faced with an answer you do not like to hear. Ask yourself why? Have you already made up your mind that it bothers you that things will not work out your way? Realize that we are not magic workers, an ethical practioner of any spiritual work will not try to force or change the free will of someone. Yes, I do realize that such services and rituals exist, I do practice Santeria after all. Nothing that is force ever ends well. Let me repeat that once again, nothing that is forced ever ends well. You are the creator of own destiny if things are meant to be, they will be when the timing is right. Remember, we as humans are the ones in the hurry. The world is not. Divine timing is everything.

Protecting Your Energy

We are spiritual beings. Our natural surroundings and interaction really influence our overall energy. It’s like when you step into a crowded room (remember those days?) and you immediately vibe with certain people and are completely turned off by others.  It is so important especially if you do any spiritual work to protect and have boundaries when it comes to your protecting your energy. What do I mean exactly?

One of the hardest lessons that I had to learn was to give myself the room to simply be. One of the best tips I received this year was making sure I had enough time for myself to reset. Even if it’s just five minutes. I was in the habit of just pushing forward no matter how tired or drained I felt. If you’re not careful, it is so easy to burn out.

This is extremely crucial when it comes to your spiritual practice. When you’re mentally drained, connecting to your intuition may be difficult. It could sometimes sounds like your ego. If you’re doing any rituals, having low energy can interfere with what you’re doing and the outcome you’re trying to achieve. The same goes for manifesting. It is crucial that you take care of your mind, body and spirit.

What can you do to bring that vibration up? Do something that is fun for you! Try to unplug from social media! Put your phone, tablet and laptop down. I love going out for a long walk. Meditation helps me too. Sometimes it can something like reading. A long bath helps too. Get your feelings out of your system by writing it all out in journal!

If something just doesn’t feel right for you, don’t do it! It is ok to have low vibration days, we all have them. The biggest misconception that some people have is that those who chose to be more positive never have a bad day.  We all have bad days, it’s part of our journey. Remember to just let it pass through and always do little things that will help you feel back to your high vibrations!

I hope you all take just a few moments each and everyday. Protecting yourself will help serve those and care for your loved one’s better!

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday!

Realizing I Am In Control

In a year that has felt chaotic, I have turned the focus inward. As my walls of what I considered “normal” suddenly crumbled and I lost my footing and almost fell into the abyss, I hugged myself. I was completely ripped open, broke to pieces and still was able to move along with the help of some amazing friends and family. It’s no secret that this year has been hard for everyone. It has also been in the strangest of way a breath of fresh air. Before you roll your eyes and quite possibly click away hear me out. As we near the year that many people can’t wait to forget I chose to be grateful.

The year promised to be my best one yet with plans of travel in the forefront as well as personal growth. Suddenly I was surprised with a pandemic that put not only a pause but brought the fear of possible layoffs. When that happened it turned into remorse because I had survived the cut and then the added pressure of meeting the needs of doing the job of several people to “prove” that I deserved to stay in case more layoffs were to come. I became so filled with anxiety and stress that therapy was needed. I almost had to go on medical leave. It wasn’t until I was able to get some help that I realized that I could flip the script.

I thought I had gone through my spiritual awakening when I decided to go back to my roots and practice regla osha. I did to a certain extent but the world was going to show me that I needed to go deeper. The reality is that when it comes to self growth and living a more spiritually awakened life; the work is never done. You’re always growing and changing. Isn’t that what life is really about? Life is about growing and evolving! Can you imagine how boring and terrifying it would be if you were stuck in certain period unable to change and move forward?

I honestly believed 2020 was the universe’ way to realize our fears and really step into our power. It was a year of reflection among all of the division and the chaos. The world is quite angry and divided now more than ever. I have learned as much as it is great to use your voice to express your opinions and hold people accountable; I can’t control anyone at all. I can only control and change myself. In order to inspire others you must be accountable for your own actions and ideas. “As is the micro…as is the macro”. Haven’t you realized that arguments aren’t won by yelling?

So I turned inward broke my persona and called out my own biases. I challenged my ego and became friends with my inner child and apologized for how I hurt her, for how other people hurt her. I celebrated her spirit and her innocence. I celebrated my determination to always push forward. I learned to let my intuition and my ancestors take the lead. It’s the hardest practice that I will forever be an eternal student.

As I write this down– I see how much I have grown and I realize this wasn’t such a bad year after all. I reconnected with myself. In fact 2020 has turned out to be the best year yet… just as I had hoped for.

Look inward, celebrate being able to be alive! Notice that the natural world has not disrupted the familiar cycle. Its reassuring. Be the light and shower everyone in just love. Even those that criticize, love them through it all. When you shine so bright… it causes those who refuse to do the work to be afraid and try to damper something that is so vibrant and beautiful. Do not damper your brilliance.

Looking Towards The Future

I am sure you may be tired of hearing this, but 2020 has really been a weird year for everyone. From the U.S. Presidential election to COVID-19 numbers on the rise again. This year has been quite the roller-coaster.

Personally, I have used this time to work inward and really work on my spiritually. It has really brought some things into perspective and made me really appreciate everything that I have. I have also begun to question myself why I started this blog in the first place.

I think there’s something so powerful about being able to share about our personal “aha” moments, especially now when there seems to a clear divide when it comes to politics. As we step into the age of Aquarius and the New Age Of Spirituality I want to add my little grain of salt.

What started it all for me was suffering from severe anxiety. There was a disconnect between my work that it didn’t feel like I was able to turn that off, I lost track of time and couldn’t sleep. Migraines were daily and I was almost forced to go on medical leave until I was able to get help. I did get professional help and therapy and it was the best thing that I could have done. My therapist suggested that I write it all out– scream it out and take a moment to meditate. I slowly started to quiet my mind and try to get back to the now. Really enjoy the moment and not worry about the pass or the future. It is hard. It’s something that I have to consciously choose.

I started to peel back the layers and really try live in the moment. Realize that I was had to so much to be happy and grateful for. I started to really pay attention to nature. While the world felt like it was chaotic and falling apart… nature was still doing it’s thing. Going through the process and still being resilient and just existing.

As I did that, I started to connect with my intuition and really start to receive messages that were always there but I somehow decided to ignore. That’s the true power. When you let your higher self really guide you. Because it all comes from love!

It is so important to pause and really connect with the now, So take some time to really check in with yourself. Are you doing ok? Smile and focus on what you have– trust me– you’ll realized how much you already have.