Spirituality Or Division?

Many astronomers will tell you that we are in the long-awaited “Age of Aquarius”. Although there has been a lot of debate between astrologers about when it actually starts, you can’t help but notice that there is some sort of spiritual awakening happening.

There seems to be an explosion of people who have started their own spiritual journey, which I find really encouraging and it makes me hopeful for the future. With that said, I’ve started to pay closer attention to the spiritual pages that I follow on social media and I noticed something that seemed quite troubling, The underline division dressed up as spirituality. It’s so subtle that I missed it.

As much as I celebrate this new era of being awakened and returning to yourself, the bottom line is that “spirituality” is the hot commodity. Many people seem to be hopping on the bandwagon. There are many who are doing it to really be that “light” among all the chaos, while others are doing it for the money grab. That’s just the reality of it.

I was randomly scrolling on my Instagram home feed when I noticed a particular page, what made me pause and really pay attention was the language. They were using astrology as a way to explain what is happening in a certain part of the world. Although it may be a fact, there was this underline anger and division that was causing quite the chatter. Those who agreed and those who were calling this particular person out for creating a divide in a time of need when people should be coming together. I began to look back at their posts. When it came to particular political event there was this underline divide again. There’s this undertone anger that was being justified by what was happening in the cosmos.

This struck a nerve, I have been lucky enough to have met an amazing astrologer. She is an absolute beacon of light andlove. That I couldn’t help but compare this individual to her. Perhaps that isn’t what we should do, but it’s such a human reaction. I called her up to start a conversation about it. Of course, the conversation would go back to my natal chart and being completely split in the middle that I critically think about everything. However, she did mention that there are a lot of people who are hiding under the umbrella of “spirituality” and are doing the complete opposite. . Yes, planet alignments can affect certain events in ones’ life, but they’re not an excuse to be mean.

We have our free will. We have been given the gift of free will. Of being conscious of how we react, what we consume, what we want to portray outward into the world. Here we are annoyed by the division and here are these people who have thousands of followers still creating a divide and pushing an agenda that does the complete opposite. It’s so subtle that it can go unnoticed unless you are present and paying full attention to what you are consuming.

With these brand new set of eyes, I started closely inspecting the pages that I followed. Paying close attention to the language and how things were presented. I was amazed by the underline divide and the little anger hidden among some posts. I clicked unfollow and sent love and clarity. All these pages involved people claiming “sprituality” or being “awakened” in some shape or form. Their posts were creating the complete opposite.

The world doesn’t need any more division. It needs love and understanding. While it can be such a human thing to be frustrated and react out of anger, Do not stay there, we are in an age where our actions will have a big impact in our world of tomorrow. How wonderful would it be to have a world where people present and loving even if they don’t agree?

I have a challenge for you, look at who you follow and pay close attention to what they say, the tone, the overall message. You might just be surprised with what you might find.

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