My Heart Is Cracked Open

There are so many shifts happening in my life, that my heart has been cracked open and I feel this immense love for everyone. We are in the month of May and in just a few days my Babalawo will be back in town and this time, it will be my turn to do a ritual.

I had a period of low vibration energy which felt a bit of a test from the universe and spirit to see if I had indeed learned what I needed to. I believe I did. I’ve meditated, gone back to nature, pampered myself and have finally stepped out into the world and this time I want to be seen.

For the longest time, I’ve wanted to remain in the shadows, not to be seen and bring little to almost no attention to myself. But why? When we are born to shine?

When you live more in truth, honest with yourself it’s like you’re suddenly cracked open. I have expanded, learned to let go of some things, forgive myself and just love. Love to love. Love all, everyone even if it’s hard. The world needs a little more compassion and love. When you heal yourself you heal the world.