Life In Quarantine Continues…

Hello Lovelies!

This post is a continuation about life in “Quarantine”. I put it into quotation marks because the reality is, my life has not changed that dramatically.  We’ve hit a month since the state of California had the order to shut everything down and although it was definitely a weird shift… I think a lot of us are getting used to a rhythm of life.

Considered to be one of the “essentials”, I have still been required to come into work. While a few of my colleagues are working from home, I’m still here doing my duty of keeping the public informed. The atmosphere at work is a bit different. We went from hugs to not even standing next to each other, we joke but now everything is from a far. It is the weirdest dynamic, that has now become somewhat normal.

The biggest change is that now on my weekends. Instead of randomly going out to eat with friends or go shopping, I’m just crazily disinfecting everything, and not going out at all.  When I do go out to the grocery store, I get a bit of anxiety. The shelves that were one stocked with essentials are now bare. I buy enough groceries for two weeks to avoid going out. I do find myself getting annoyed at the adults who are selfishly continuing to go out without any mask and not respecting the 6 feet apart order. Instead of my usual Starbucks run, I’m making my coffee at home.

I have always considered myself to be a bit of a homebody, somewhat of a loner. Now that suddenly everything has been shut down. I come to realize just how much I miss having the option. The simple option of having places to go out. It has been stripped away without any warning and i feel exactly how i did when I was grounded  The spontaneous meeting with friends to catch up on life. The simple pleasures of being able to just go to the store, being out. All stripped away and gone.

On the plus side, I find myself actually enjoying the simple pleasures of unplugging. The most positive impact I’ve noticed is on my finances. I never considered myself to be a big spender, but since being in quarantine, I suddenly see the amount of money I am now saving. It’s been three weeks since I’ve had to fill up the gas tank on my car. I have no more Starbucks run. I’m not really going out to eat anymore since I’m pretty much cooking all of my meals.  I think the last time I purchased something for myself was back in February. I find myself saving as much as I can because who knows what the future holds? So many people have suddenly lost their jobs, local businesses are struggling to stay afloat. Our whole world has suddenly been flipped on its head with almost no end in sight.

So what awaits for us on the other side of this? Are we to go back like nothing happened? Or will this make humanity a little more compassionate? A little less egocentric?

I’m curious to see what the future holds. Or how it will change our daily lives.

How has this quarantine affected your life? What positives do you see?

Stay safe! Sending all of my good vibrations to you all.

Much Love,


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