Hello There 2021

Happy 2021 Everyone!

You survived 2020, and although things may not feel all that different I have hope that things will somewhat return to normal. As much as I am excited for the new year, now comes the hard work of really practicing what you preach. Last year it was all about returning to yourself—analyzing what patterns you needed to break. One of the biggest lessons for me was realizing that I wasn’t quite living in the present. I was either in the past or freaking out about the future and forgetting the “now”. The now is so important! You miss all of the wonderful things that are happening in the present, and trust me, when you really look there is a lot of great things going on at this moment. You just have to look and pay attention.

As a ritual, many people have the famous New Year Resolutions. Although I think they’re a great practice I think that sometimes they add an unnecessary pressure. I think a better approach is to start small to really crush and manifest those big goals.

I really sat down to think about my goals and what I want to manifest this year. Apart from continuing my evolution when it comes to my spiritual practice, I am also focusing on moving. My normal job requires me to work at my desk for long hours and constantly be typing away. I really want to get up and get moving to be healthy. Not necessarily focusing on losing weight (although that would be lovely) but focusing on my overall health and making sure I am getting the daily exercise I need. I know that if I start small eventually I will get to my main goal which is in fact to lose a few pounds.

I am also taking with me the practice of meditation. Meditation has helped me be present and really let go of all of the chaos that sometimes goes on in my head. I personally like to meditate and focus a bit on breath work and a bit on manifestation right before bed. It helps calms me down and relax to really rest.

I also write in my Gratitude Journal. This is a big one if you guys are working on really raising those vibrations. Finding things to be grateful for is so important. It helps you really look and focus on things that maybe we overlook or take for granted. I really encourage this practice. You can start small writing 3-5 things a day. Some people do it in the morning before you start your day, I love doing it at night. It gives me a chance to look back at my day and really find those things that I am thankful for and it sets me up for my meditation.

Also, really working on manifestation without forcing it. I feel like I have just begun to scratch the surface. For a long time I was playing the victim and I had not realized it. My mindset and my words were calling out the same pattern to constantly repeat itself! Once you really begin to pay attention, you really start to see a pattern! Start slow and you will see things slowly begin to change. I did learn a bit but I feel that there’s so much left to learn and it excites me!

Remember, it’s not about adding pressure or overwhelming yourself. The key is to start small and be consistent.  Try and be better than you were yesterday and if you have an off day do not feel bad. We all have that, let the emotions run through it’s going to be OK.

I’m curious, if you’re working on any resolutions I am interested in finding out what they are.

Be in the present and remember to send love and light out into the world. It definitely needs it.

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