Reconnecting with Old Favorites

Hello Everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well and continuing to stay healthy. Here in the U.S.– well you guys know it’s a bit of a mess. I have a lot to say about it, but this is a drama free zone and we’re here to talk about makeup and have a nice relaxing time!

Speaking of makeup– the last makeup product that I purchased was the Natasha Denona Mini love palette. I love it but shortly after that things took a turn for worse and I decided it would be better to save as much money as possible. Honestly– after taking a look at my collection– I’m set when it comes to makeup for a LONG time.

While we’re in quarantine: you suddenly find yourself with a whole lot of time once you’ve finished everything on the “to do list”. I ended up cleaning out a lot of my makeup products and shopping my old stash. Ive connected with some old favorites: like for example a lot of my colourpop products and palettes. Including the Kathleen lights pigment set. There are some super stunning colors that had me rocking several bright colored looks!

What are some of your old favorites that you have connected with? What are some of the products you have fallen in love with?

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